AA/DCFTA: Legal Drafting


This is the online version of the legal drafting course which was developed be EU-funded project "Association4U"

The course is a fundamental level introduction to legal drafting that is aimed at developing the practical skills of civil servants for the draftign of legal acts as needed for the implementation of the AA/DCFTA obligations. The course is hands-on in nature as focuses on practical rather than theoretical knowledge and skills. 

They are introduced by means of an example case and are subsequently practiced during the course as participants are asked to draft legal articles to implement the policy approach introduced in the case.The course is updated regularly to reflect the context of the Ukrainian public administration.

The course covers key tools, methods and techniques in line with the various legal drafting guidelines in Ukraine and best pactices from abroad.


The target audience are civil servants from the center of government, central line ministries, agencies, etc. involved in legal drafting, including state experts and DGs. The course is specialist in nature and an educational background in law is recommended.

                   This course was developed by EU-funded project "Association4U"  

This course was developed by:

Ralf Juelich
Arjen van Ballegoyen

Technical assistance provided by: Sofiya Yaremko& Arjen van Ballegoyen

Average score: 0%
Progress: 0%